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2023-12-15 06:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

接口的声明和实现 接口的概念Interface接口的声明接口的实现接口的程序设计举例


1.接口:用于声明一组类的公共操作的接口,Java中把对接口功能的继承称为实现(implement),接口只是声明了功能是什么,而并没有定义如何实现该功能,功能的实现是在继承这个接口的各个子类中完成的 2.组成:接口往往由一组常量和抽象方法组成,一般不包括变量和有具体实现的方法 3.性质:支持多重继承 【注】接口与抽象类的区别: (1)接口不能实现任何方法,而抽象类可以 (2)类可以实现许多接口,但只有继承一个父类 (3)接口不是类分级结构的一部分,没有联系的类可以实现相同的接口



[ public ] interface 接口名 [ extends 父接口名列表 ] { [ public ] [ final ] [ static ] 类型 变量名 = 常量值 ; //常量声明 ... [ public ] [ abstract ] 返回类型 方法名 (参数列表) ; //抽象方法声明 ... }


public interface Shape { public final static double PI = 3.1416; public abstract void draw(Graphics g); } 接口的实现


class ClassName extends ParentClass implements interface1,interface2 { ... //接口中方法的实现 } 接口的程序设计举例

Write a program to complete following tasks (1)declare a interface name:Shape public interface Shape { public double getArea(); //return the surface area of shape public double getVolumn(); public double getName(); //return class name } (2)Define three classes Rectangle,Circle and Clinder to implements the following diagram (3)Define a class named ShapeTest to test above classes 在这里插入图片描述 【输出结果】 Rectangle: area=6.00, Volumn=0.00 Circle: area=50.27, Volumn=0.00 Clinder: area=251.33, Volumn=235.62


public class ShapeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Shape s[] = new Shape[3]; s[0] = new Rectangle(2,3); s[1] = new Circle(4); s[2] = new Clinder(5,3); for(Shape ele:s) System.out.printf("%s: area=%.2f,Volumn=%.2f\n",ele.getName(),ele.getArea(),ele.getVolumn()); } }


package ml; //该java程序在ml包里 interface Shape //接口的定义 { public double getArea(); public double getVolumn(); public String getName(); } class Rectangle implements Shape { private int w; private int l; public Rectangle(int wValue,int lValue) { w = wValue; l = lValue; } public double getArea() { return w*l; } public double getVolumn() { return 0; } public String getName() { return "Rectangle"; } } class Circle implements Shape { private int r; public Circle(int rValue) { r = rValue; } public double getArea() { return Math.PI*r*r; } public double getVolumn() { return 0; } public double getLength() { return 2*Math.PI*r; } public String getName() { return "Circle"; } } class Clinder extends Circle { private int h; public Clinder(int r,int height) { super(r); h = height; } public double getArea() { return 2*super.getArea()+super.getLength()*h; } public double getVolumn() { return super.getArea()*h; } } public class ShapeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Shape s[] = new Shape[3]; s[0] = new Rectangle(2,3); s[1] = new Circle(4); s[2] = new Clinder(5,3); for(Shape ele:s) System.out.printf("%s: area=%.2f,Volumn=%.2f\n",ele.getName(),ele.getArea(),ele.getVolumn()); } }

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